Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2001



  1. Globalization and new technologies: challenges to drug law enforcement in the twenty-first century
    1. Impact of globalization and new technologies on drug-related crime and criminal organizations
    2. Impact of globalization and new technologies on government structures and capabilities designed to combat drug-related crime
    3. Future challenges
    4. How the challenges are being addressed
    5. Conclusions and recommendations

  2. Operation of the international drug control system
    1. Status of adherence to the international drug control treaties
    2. Cooperation with Governments
    3. Prevention of diversion into the illicit traffic
    4. Control measures
    5. Scope of control
    6. Ensuring the availability of drugs for medical purposes
    7. Control of cannabis
    8. Measures to ensure the implementation of the 1961 Convention

  3. Analysis of the world situation
    1. Africa
    2. Americas
    3. Asia
    4. Europe
    5. Oceania



  1. Regional groupings used in the report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 200 1
  2. Current membership of the International Narcotics Control Board
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