Jagjit Pavadia


Born in 1954. National of India. Graduate in English Honours (1974), Dhaka University, LL.B from Delhi University (1988), Master's Diploma in Public Administration, Indian Institute of Public Administration (1996). Completed dissertation "Forfeiture of Property under the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985" towards completion of Master's Diploma. 

Held several senior positions in the Indian Revenue Service for 35 years in the Government of India, including Narcotics Commissioner of India, Central Bureau of Narcotics (2006-2012); Commissioner, Legal Affairs (2001-2005); Chief Vigilance Officer, Power Finance Corporation (1996-2001); Customs Training Adviser Maldives, deputed by the Commonwealth Secretariat (1994-1995); Deputy Director, Narcotics Control Bureau (1990-1994); and retired as Chief Commissioner, Customs, Central Excise and Service Tax, Nagpur, in 2014.

Recipient of Presidential Appreciation Certificate for Specially Distinguished Record of Service on the occasion of Republic Day (2005), published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary.

Member of the Indian delegation to the Commission on Narcotics Drugs, Vienna (2007-2012); introduced resolutions 51/15 (2008) and 53/12 (2010), adopted by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, and organized a side event on the margins of the Commission's 2011 session, presenting issues involved in the illegal movement of poppy seeds to producing, importing and exporting countries. As representative of the competent national authority, attended Project Prism and Project Cohesion task force meetings (2006-2012), and coordinated and organized the Project Prism and Project Cohesion meeting in New Delhi (2008). Participated in the Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies (HONLEA), Asia and the Pacific, held in Bangkok (2006), and organized the Meeting of HONLEA, Asia and the Pacific, held in Agra, India (2011). Member of the INCB advisory expert group on the scheduling of substances (2006), and member of the advisory group finalizing the INCB Guidelines for a Voluntary Code of Practice for the Chemical Industry (2008). Rapporteur of the forty-first session of the Subcommission on Illicit Drug Traffic and Related Matters in the Near and Middle East, held in Amman (2006); Chairperson of the forty-second session of the Subcommission, held in Accra, India (2007); organized the meeting of the Paris Pact Initiative Expert Working Group on Precursors, held in New Delhi (2011), and participated in the International Drug Enforcement Conferences hosted by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency, held in Istanbul (2008) and Cancún, Mexico (2011).

Member of the International Narcotics Control Board (since 2015) [1]. Second Vice-President and Chair (2015, 2017 and 2020), Vice-Chair (2018 and 2024) and member (2019 and 2023) of the Standing Committee on Estimates. Member (2016-2017 and 2020) and Chair (2019 and 2023) of the Committee on Finance and Administration. First Vice-President of the Board (2016). President of the Board (2021-2022).

[1] Elected by the Economic and Social Council on 23 April 2014; re-elected by the Council for a five-year term (2020-2025) on 7 May 2019; re-elected by the Council for a five-year term (2025-2030) on 9 April 2024.

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