INCB Missions


Mission to Canada

Vienna, 28 September - From 25 to 27 September 2023, the Board undertook a high-level mission to Canada to discuss drug control policies and implementation of the international drug control treaties with senior Government officials and other stakeholders. The last mission to the country took place in 2016.

The mission was led by Prof. Jallal Toufiq, President of the Board, who was accompanied by Mr. Mark Colhoun, Secretary of the Board and Mr. Nodirjon Ibragimov of the Board's secretariat.

While in Ottawa, the INCB delegation held consultations with the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health, Associate Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Director General of the Bureau for International Crime and Terrorism of Global Affairs Canada, Assistant Deputy Minister Legal Affairs and Legal Adviser of Global Affairs of Canada, Director General of Law Enforcement Directorate of Public Safety Canada, Director General of Strategic Policy Directorate of Controlled Substances and Cannabis Branch of Health Canada and with senior officials from the Department of Justice, Canada Border Services Agency and Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The delegation also held meetings with provincial governments and non-governmental organizations working in the field of drug and substance use.

The findings of the mission will be considered by the Board at its 138th session in November 2023.


Mission to the Republic of Cyprus

VIENNA, 18 September 2023 - From 12-14 September 2023, the Board undertook a mission to the Republic of Cyprus to discuss effective implementation of the international drug control conventions. The mission was led by Mr. Cornelis P. De Joncheere, Rapporteur of the Board, with the support of Ms. Ha Fung Ng (Cilla) of the Board's secretariat. The mission was organized with the support of the Cyprus National Addictions Authority. The last INCB mission to the Republic of Cyprus was conducted in 1998.

While in Nicosia, the INCB delegation met with the Minister of Health; the Minster of Justice and Public Order; the Director General of the Customs and Excise Department; the Deputy Chief of Police and the Drug Law Enforcement Agency; the President and representatives of the Cyprus National Addictions Authority; senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and representatives of the Pharmaceutical Services, State Health Services Organizations, Mental Health Services, State General Laboratory, Law Office of the Republic and the Unit for Combating Money Laundering. The mission also conducted site visits to a multi-intervention centre and counselling centre for people who use drugs. The INCB delegation also met with UNDP Cyprus and representatives of non-governmental organizations working on drug control issues.

The findings of the mission will be considered by the Board at its 138th session in November 2023.


Mission to the Kyrgyz Republic

From 19-22 December 2022, the Board undertook a mission to the Kyrgyz Republic to discuss effective implementation of the drug control conventions. The mission was led by Professor Sevil Atasoy, Member of the Board, with the support of Ms. Karin Esposito of the Board's secretariat. The mission was organized with the support of the Kyrgyz Republic's Department of Medicines and Medical Devices under the Ministry of Health. The last INCB mission to the Kyrgyz Republic was conducted in 2006.

While in Bishkek, the INCB delegation met with the Kyrgyz Republic's General Prosecutor's Office; officials from the Ministry of Justice, including its Forensic Expert Service; representatives of the Service for Combatting Illicit Drug Trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; the State Customs Service at the Ministry of Finance; the Penitentiary Service at the Ministry of Justice; the Ministry of Health and the Republican Center for Psychiatry and Narcology, and conducted site visits to a methadone maintenance therapy point and a regional dog training centre. The INCB delegation met with representatives of multiple non-governmental organizations working on drug control issues.

The findings of the mission will be reviewed by the Board at its forthcoming session in 2023.


Mission to the United States of America

From 12-16 December 2022, the Board undertook a mission to the United States of America. Discussions were held on drug control policies with senior Government officials  and other stakeholders. The last mission to the country was held in 2011. The mission was led by Ms. Jagit Pavadia, President of the Board and Prof. Jallal Toufiq, Member of the Board who were accompanied by Mr. Mark Colhoun, Secretary of the Board and Mr. Paul Rabbat, Chief of the Convention Evaluation Section.

While in Washington, the INCB delegation held talks with the Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of International Narcotic and Law Enforcement Affairs, the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy and with several senior officials from the State Department, the Department of Justice, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Drug Enforcement Administration,  the Food and Drug Administration, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the United States Customs and Border Protection and the United States Postal Inspection Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The delegation also held meetings with Non-governmental organisations working in the drug control field.

The mission findings will be examined by the Board at its 136th session in February 2023.



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