Mariângela Simão

Born in 1956. National of Brazil. Director-President, Instituto Todos pela Saúde in São Paulo, Brazil, 2023.

Medical Doctor; Diploma in Public Heath; MSc, with degrees in Paediatrics and Public Health.

Previously held positions as WHO Assistant Director-General for Access to Medicines and Health Products (2017-2022); UNAIDS Director of the Community Support, Social Justice and Inclusion department (2010-2017); Brazilian Ministry of Health Director of the HIV/STI/Viral Hepatitis Department (2005-2010); several managerial posts at state and municipal levels in Paraná, Brazil (1983-2003). 

Author and co-author of numerous papers in scientific journals, with a focus on primary health care in Brazil, HIV, stigma and discrimination against vulnerable groups, improving access to medicines in general and in particular on palliative care as well as on public health, drug policy and harm reduction.

Several high-level meetings including the United Nations General Assembly, UNGA Special Sessions on HIV, Commission of Narcotic Drugs, World Health Assembly and Executive Board meetings. Currently Board member of a range of international organizations as well as scientific and advisory groups.

Member of the International Narcotics Control Board (since 2023) [1]. Member of the Committee on Finance and Administration (2024).

[1] Elected by the Economic and Social Council on 25 July 2023.


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