Vienna, 10 March 2015 - The President of INCB launched today the electronic International Import and Export Authorization System (I2ES) for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, which was developed by INCB in close cooperation with the UNODC Information Technology Service.

Thanking all Governments for the political and financial support they had provided to INCB in developing that new tool, the INCB President underlined that I2ES would facilitate and expedite the daily work of national competent authorities and  reduce the risks of diversions of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, in accordance with the international drug control treaties.

The INCB President invited all Governments to register for I2ES and make use of the system to transmit and receive import and export authorizations for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. He stressed that only if I2ES was used by as many Governments as possible, its full potential could best be realized.

I2ES will be made available to interested Governments upon request and free of charge.

  To request an account click, here

  To watch the demonstration video, click here


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