For information only - not an official document

25 October 2016


INCB concludes treaty compliance monitoring visit to Bolivia


LA PAZ/VIENNA, 25 October - The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) undertook a treaty compliance monitoring visit to the Plurinational State of Bolivia from 17 to 20 October 2016. The purpose of the mission was to discuss with the Government of Bolivia its compliance with the three international drug control treaties, in particular the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the 1972 Protocol Amending the Single Convention, in view of Bolivia's reaccession to that Convention with a reservation with respect to coca leaves in 2013. Under the reservation, and since February 2013, the chewing of coca leaf and the consumption and use of the coca leaf in its natural state for "cultural and medicinal purposes" are permitted on the territory of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

The Board appreciates the acceptance of the Government of Bolivia of the mission and the efforts it made regarding its organization. The delegation of INCB was led by Mr. Bernard Leroy, Member of the Board, accompanied by Mr. Stefano Berterame of the INCB Secretariat.

The mission held consultations with the Minister of Government, Carlos Romero, the Minister of Rural Development and Land, Cesar Cocarico, the Vice-Minister of Social Defence and Controlled Substances, Felipe Caceres, and the Vice-Minister of Coca and Integral Development, Ernesto Cordero.

Consultations were also held with the representatives of the law enforcement agency responsible for the fight against drug trafficking (FELCN), as well as with the joint task force of the army responsible for the eradication of illicit cultivation of coca bush. The mission was able to witness the eradication efforts carried out in the area of Madidi National park (Norte de la Paz) and in the area of Chimore (Chapare). In addition, the mission met with representatives of the Departmental Association of Coca Producers (ADEPCOCA) in the market of Villa Fatima.

The conclusions and finding of the mission will be considered by the Board at its 117th and 118th sessions in November 2016 and February 2017 following which INCB will transmit its confidential recommendations on measures to be taken by the Government of Bolivia to further drug control treaty compliance in the country.



For further information, please contact:

INCB Secretariat
Telephone (+43-1) 26060 4163
Email: secretariat[at]

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