Jallal Toufiq
Born in 1963. National of Morocco. Head of the National Centre for Drug Abuse Prevention and Research; Director of the Moroccan National Observatory on Drugs and Addictions; Director of the Ar-razi University Psychiatric Hospital and Professor of Psychiatry at the Rabat Faculty of Medicine.
Medical Doctor, Rabat Faculty of Medicine (1989); Diploma of Specialization in Psychiatry (1994); and lecturer at the Rabat Faculty of Medicine (since 1995). Undertook specialized training in Paris at the Sainte-Anne Psychiatric Hospital and Marmottan Centre (1990-1991); and at Johns Hopkins University as a National Institute on Drug Abuse research fellow and Clinical Observer (1994-1995). Conducted research at the University of Pittsburgh (1995); and gained Clinical Drug Research certificates at the Vienna School of Clinical Research (2001 and 2002).
Currently holding positions in Morocco as Head of the Harm Reduction Programme, National Centre for Drug Abuse Prevention and Research; teaching and residency training coordinator, Ar-razi Hospital; Director of the National Diploma Programme on Treatment and Prevention of Drug Abuse, Rabat Faculty of Medicine; Director of the National Diploma Programme on Child Psychiatry, Rabat Faculty of Medicine and Member of the Ministry of Health Commission on Drug Abuse.
At the international level, Representative of the Mediterranean Network (MedNET) for Morocco (MedNET/Pompidou Group/Council of Europe); former permanent correspondent of the Pompidou Group for Morocco (Council of Europe) on drug abuse prevention and research and former member of the Reference Group to the United Nations on HIV and Injecting Drug Use. Founding member and steering committee member, Middle East and North Africa Harm Reduction Association (MENAHRA); Director of Knowledge Hub Ar-razi for North Africa, MENAHRA; Member, Mentor International Scientific Advisory Network (drug abuse prevention in youth); former focal point/expert on prevention, United Nations Office on Drug Control and Crime Prevention (local network for North Africa); founding member, MedNET (advisory group on AIDS and drug abuse policies) of the Council of Europe, and member of the Reference Group to the United Nations on HIV and Injecting Drug Use.
Held consultancy roles with the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, UNODC and other international institutions, research fellowships and the National Institute on Drug Abuse of the United States. Published widely in the field of psychiatry, alcohol and drug abuse.
Member of the International Narcotics Control Board (since 2015) [1]. Member of the Standing Committee on Estimates (2015). Chair (2021) and Member (2016) of the Committee on Finance and Administration. First Vice-President of the Board (2018). President of the Board (2023-2024).
[1] Elected by the Economic and Social Council on 23 April 2014; re-elected by the Council for a five-year term (2020-2025) on 7 May 2019; re-elected by the Council for a five-year term (2025-2030) on 9 April 2024.