Press Releases 2018
- Marking the 50th anniversary, INCB met states to discuss the international drug control system, challenges and the way forward
- Statement by the INCB on the entry into force of Bill C-45 legalising cannabis for non-medical purposes in Canada
- INCB Learning project kicks off regional training for Francophone Africe in Dakar, Senegal
- INCB holds a side event on drug control, human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals at UN Headquarters
- INCB expresses deep concern about the legalization of cannabis for non-medical use in Canada
- INCB concludes its 122nd session; treaty compliance critical to ensuring public health and wellbeing
- INCB convenes for its 122nd session, renewing President's mandate and electing new Bureau Members
- INCB meets with civil society
- Signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the Universal Postal Union and the International Narcotics Control Board
- INCB President's statement on World Health Day
- INCB launches new tools to help ensure the availability of controlled substances
- Joint Statement of INCB, UNODC and WHO on Implementation of the UNGASS 2016 Recommendations
- INCB presents at the Opening of the 61st session of the CND
- INCB concludes 121st session, calls on States to implement international drug control conventions in accordance with human rights
- INCB begins 121st session, focuses on cooperation with national competent authorities and international organizations
- World Cancer Day: INCB emphasizes the right to health and access to critical medicines
INCB Annual Report 2017
- Message from the President
- INCB calls for greater investment in drug treatment services, as the vast majority of drug users lack access to treatment
- Factsheet
- Regional Highlights
- INCB projects and activities
Press Kit
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