Training material for competent national authorities

Cover of module I of the training material

The below training material is aimed to assist Governments in better understanding and fulfilling the obligations stemming from the provisions of the 1971 Convention and related resolutions of the Economic and Social Council and the Commission on Narcotic Drugs. The training material is divided into four thematic modules: international control and availability, assessment system, international trade and preparation of reports. The training material is available in all official languages of the United Nations.

December 2023

Module I: International control framework and availability of psychotropic substances

Module I provides an overview of the international framework for the control of psychotropic substances, including information on measures to be taken by Governments at national level in order to ensure availability of controlled substances, while preventing their diversion. Governments are encouraged to consult the Compilation of methodologies for collecting data on consumption of psychotropic substances, annexed to Module I, to obtain information on the various methodologies used by Governments to collect data on national consumption of psychotropics.


Module II: Assessment system for psychotropic substances

Module II contains information on and examples of how to establish and calculate assessments of annual requirements for psychotropic substances and report them to the INCB, as required by the 1971 Convention and related resolutions of the Economic and Social Council and the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.


Module III: International trade in psychotropic substances

Module III is intended to assist Governments in ensuring psychotropic substances are traded without delays. It contains explanations and details related to import and export as well as on exempted preparations and prohibitions allowed under the 1971 Convention and related resolutions.


Module IV: Guidelines for the preparation of reports to the International Narcotics Control Board

Module IV serves as a practical guide to Governments on how to prepare and report annual and quarterly statistics on manufacture, trade, stocks and consumption of psychotropic substances.



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