• Resolutions of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs relevant to dangerous substances not currently under international control

    In addition to relevant mandates under the international drug control conventions, Government initiatives in the field of non-scheduled dangerous new psychoactive substances have been further supported through resolutions from the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, and have led to the creation of flexible control mechanisms. INCB global interdiction projects build upon recommendations from the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) resolutions on enhancing international actions on non-controlled dangerous substances and innovative and practical responses by INCB and other international organizations.
  • CND resolution 62/8 (2019)

    Supporting the International Narcotics Control Board in fulfilling its treaty-mandated functions in cooperation with Member States and in collaboration with the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the World Health Organization
  • CND resolution 62/4 (2019)

    Advancing effective and innovative approaches, through national, regional and international action, to address the multifaceted challenges posed by the non-medical use of synthetic drugs, particularly synthetic opioids
  • General Assembly resolution A/RES/73/192 (2018)

    International cooperation to address and counter the world drug problem
  • CND resolution 61/8 (2018)

    Enhancing and strengthening international and regional cooperation and domestic efforts to address the international threats posed by the non-medical use of synthetic opioids
  • CND resolution 60/4 (2017)

    Preventing and responding to the adverse health consequences and risks associated with the use of new psychoactive substances
  • CND resolution 59/8 (2016)

    Promotion of measures to target new psychoactive substances and amphetamine-type stimulants
  • CND resolution 58/11 (2015)

    Promoting international cooperation in responding to new psychoactive substances and amphetamine-type stimulants, including methamphetamine
  • CND resolution 57/9 (2014)

    Enhancing international cooperation in the identification and reporting of new psychoactive substances and incidents involving such substances
  • CND resolution 56/4 (2013)

    Enhancing international cooperation in the identification and reporting of new psychoactive substances
  • CND resolution 55/1 (2012)

    Promoting international cooperation in responding to the challenges posed by new psychoactive substances
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