Special Projects


Projects Cohesion and Prism

Project Cohesion and Project Prism are the international initiatives of the Board that serve as the framework for international cooperation in matters related to trafficking in chemicals used in the illicit manufacture of cocaine, heroin, and synthetic drugs, and for launching targeted, time-bound operations. Activities under this project are directed by the Precursors Task Force.



Project ION

Project Ion ( International Operations on NPS) is the international operational initiative of the Board supporting national authorities' efforts in preventing non-scheduled new psychoactive substances (NPS) of abuse from reaching consumer markets. Activities are primarily engaged in the coordination, collection and communication of strategic and operational information and intelligence related to synthetic NPS with little or no known medical, scientific or industrial uses. Activities under this project are directed by the NPS Task Force.


PEN Online

Governments which are parties to the 1988 Convention are obliged to provide pre-export notifications to Governments of importing countries and territories that have officially requested them. The Pre-Export Notification (PEN) Online system was developed by the INCB to facilitate this exchange and is a fundamental tool for preventing the diversion of precursors from international trade. The above link will bring users to the login page of the system.

Download the PEN Online brochure 


The Precursors Incident Communication System (PICS) is a secure online tool developed by the INCB to enhance real-time communication and information sharing between national authorities on precursors incidents. The above link will bring registered users to the login page. Government agencies that would like to be granted access to PICS should send an email to incb.pics@un.org



IONICS is a free communication platform dedicated to real-time communication of incidents involving suspicious shipments, trafficking, manufacture or production of NPS. Government agencies that would like to be granted access to IONICS should send an email to incb.nps@un.org

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