Toolkit for Competent National Authorities
CNA Projects - CNA Reference Material
This login page provides, in a one-stop-shop, comprehensive reference material for government officials and competent national authorities empowered to regulate or enforce controls over precursors and essential chemicals. Information includes contacts for focal points under Project Cohesion and Project Prism; the latest version of the Information Package on the Control of Precursors, including the limited international special surveillance list (ISSL); e-copies of INCB's Guidelines for a Voluntary Code of Practice for the Chemical Industry, related Practical notes and the Quick guide; information on Harmonized System (HS) Classifications of chemicals used in illicit drug manufacture, including chemicals not under international control; and a number of other useful resources.
CNA officials can request access from
Annual Legitimate Requirements (ALR)
In its resolution 49/3, entitled "Strengthening systems for the control of precursor chemicals used in the manufacture of synthetic drugs", the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (in March 2006) inter alia requested member States to provide to the International Narcotics Control Board, annual estimates of their legitimate requirements for ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, 3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone (3,4-MDP-2-P) and 1-phenyl-2-propanone (P-2-P) and, to the extent possible, estimated requirements for imports of preparations containing those substances that could be easily used or recovered by readily applicable means.
Form D
Users can download a copy of Form D using the above link. Governments are obliged to report annually on substances frequently used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and should complete Form D and submit it by the deadline of 30 June each year. Governments are urged to complete all the sections of the Form and to provide comprehensive, mandatory information on methods of diversion, stopped shipments and illicit manufacture.
Red List
The Red List is the list of chemicals frequently used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances under international control. The link above will bring users to the list. Please also follow the link below to access the useful Multilingual Dictionary of Precursors and Chemicals Frequently used in the Illicit Manufacture of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances under International Control.
Interactive compendia of INCB tools and resources
The following interactive compendia provide a one-stop shop of information on tools and resources developed by INCB for competent national authorities, organized by different themes. In a user-friendly and visual manner, these documents discuss the benefits and uses of many different normative and operational tools and resources. Click on buttons on the left to access each thematic document. Best viewed on desktop (Microsoft Edge, Chrome). |
This guidance document provides a collated list of options and concrete actions to address the proliferation of non-scheduled chemicals and designer precursors, including through international cooperation. It is an important resource for governments looking to implement tried or feasible practices or use this document as a basis for cooperation globally. This brochure is a result of a series of activities and consultations with Member States organized or supported by the Board to address this issue. |
Guidelines for a Voluntary code of practice for the chemical industry
Precursor chemicals play a vital role in the processing and manufacture of illicit drugs. The Board has long been aware of their significance and works untiringly in assisting Governments to prevent diversion of these chemicals. However, in contrast to the harmful substances they are used to create, these same chemicals are extremely important in our daily lives as they provide the building blocks for innumerable commodities on which the modern world relies. The Board acknowledges the crucial function of the chemical industry in the advancement of our societies; in the same manner, it recognizes the threat chemicals pose when falling into criminal hands.
The guidelines are available on request for use by national authorities.
Public-Private Partnerships
The International Narcotics Control Board has repeatedly highlighted the central role of public-private partnerships and voluntary cooperation with industry as an effective strategy to address the diversion of precursors as well as the use of non-scheduled chemicals in illicit drug manufacture. To assist Governments in establishing or improving such voluntary concepts, INCB has consolidated its approach and materials in a single web page.
Governments that have requested pre-export notifications pursuant to article 12, paragraph 10 (a), of the 1988 Convention
Governments of all exporting countries and territories are reminded that it is an obligation to provide pre-export notifications to Governments that have requested them pursuant to article 12, paragraph 10 (a), of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988.
Compilation of Precursor-related Recommendations of the INCB relevant to Implementation by Governments
The document in this link contains a compilation of the recommendations relating to international precursor control produced by the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB). The recommendations have been compiled utilising the Board's annual reports on precursors from 2000-2016 and the Annual Reports from 2004-2016. As such, the document is an all-encompassing reflection of every single recommendation made by the Board in these published reports.
PEN Online and PEN Online Light
Governments which are parties to the 1988 Convention are obliged to provide pre-export notifications to Governments of importing countries and territories that have officially requested them. The Pre-Export Notification (PEN) Online system was developed by the INCB to facilitate this exchange and is a fundamental tool for preventing the diversion of precursors from international trade.
PEN Online Light provides Governments a tool for the exchange, on a voluntary basis, of pre-export notifications for substitute and alternative chemicals that are not in Table I and Table II of the 1988 Convention but may be nationally controlled in one or more countries due to their use in the illicit manufacture of drugs.
Download the PEN Online brochure Download the PEN Light Online brochure
The Precursors Incident Communication System (PICS) is a secure online tool developed by the INCB to enhance real-time communication and information sharing between national authorities on precursors incidents. The above link will bring registered users to the login page. Government agencies that would like to be granted access to PICS should send an email to
e-Book of Competent National Authorities under the International Drug Control Treaties (with introductory texts in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish)
This e-Book of Competent National Authorities under the International Drug Control Treaties lists competent national authorities empowered to issue certificates and authorization for the import and export of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; and competent national authorities empowered to regulate or enforce national controls over precursors and essential chemicals. The directory also includes contact details of competent national authorities or international bodies and is issued annually.
United Nations Toolkit on Synthetic Drugs
The United Nations Toolkit on Synthetic Drugs is a one-stop shop providing a range of electronic resources and practical application tools from relevant organizations within the UN system, namely, INCB, UNODC and WHO. The Precursors Module, developed by INCB, can be accessed through the link above.