Governments that have requested pre-export notifications pursuant to article 12, paragraph 10 (a), of the 1988 Convention

Governments that have requested pre-export notifications are listed in the table below in alphabetical order, followed by the substance (or substances) for which pre-export notifications were requested, and the date of notification of the request transmitted by the Secretary-General to Governments.

The Governments of all exporting countries and territories are reminded that it is an obligation to provide pre-export notifications to Governments that have requested them pursuant to article 12, paragraph 10 (a), of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988, which provides that:

" ... upon request to the Secretary-General by the interested Party, each Party from whose territory a substance in Table I is to be exported shall ensure that, prior to such export, the following information is supplied by its competent authorities to the competent authorities of the importing country:

(i) Name and address of the exporter and importer and, when available, the consignee;
(ii) Name of the substance in Table I;
(iii) Quantity of the substance to be exported;
(iv) Expected point of entry and expected date of dispatch;
(v) Any othe r information which is mutually agreed upon by the Parties."

List of Governments that have requested pre-export notifications pursuant to article 12, paragraph 10 (a), of the 1988 Convention


NOTE: This table appears in the INCB report on precursors as Annex VI.....

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