Toolkit for Competent National Authorities

In order to meet their treaty obligations State Parties to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 must provide to INCB their annual and quarterly statistics for the movement of internationally controlled substances in their territories. INCB provides and updates the Yellow List, Forms (A, B and C) and training material to help competent national authorities to meet treaty requirements and relevant resolutions for data reporting.

Yellow list

The Yellow List contains the full list of internationally controlled narcotic drugs under the 1961 Convention. The Yellow List also contains information regarding the synonyms and trade names of those substances, conversion factors for calculating the pure drug content of bases and salts. The INCB updates the Yellow List as new substances are scheduled under the 1961 convention or when any information in the other parts have been updated.


In order for countries to meet their data reporting obligations under the 1961 Convention forms are available for competent national authorities to provide the necessary estimates and statistical data to INCB.

  • Form A - Quarterly statistics of imports and exports narcotic drugs
  • Form B  and Supplement to Form B - Annual Estimates of Requirements of narcotic drugs and modification of approved estimates through supplement to Form B.  Please use the new  Form B  for submitting your estimates. Please note that there have been changes in relation to reporting of cannabis and cannabis resin. Also, check the new  Form B/P  for assessment of of internationally controlled cannabinoids.
  • Form C - Annual Statistics of Production, Manufacture, Consumption, Stocks and Seizures of Narcotic Drugs

Training Materials 

The training material provides competent national authorities a complete overview on how to report using the above provided forms including examples of how to calculate the pure base of narcotic drugs in preparations as well as clarification on what information must be reported. Training materials are available in three parts, Part I: The International control system for narcotic drugs ; Part II: The estimates system for narcotic drugs and Part III: The statistical returns system for narcotic drugs.

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Guidelines for National Competent Authorities

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Guidelines on reporting losses and destructions of narcotic drugs to INCB

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©1995-2025 International Narcotics Control Board