News Archive
February 2025
- 07/02/2025 - The International Narcotics Control Board concludes 142nd session
- 03/02/2025 - INCB Learning concludes regional technical seminar and workshop aimed at improving the availability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes
December 2024
- 13/12/2024 - INCB international conference on public-private partnerships to address illicit drug manufacture
- 10/12/2024 - Statement by Jallal Toufiq, President of the International Narcotics Control Board, for Human Rights Day 2024
- 03/12/2024 - International control of two additional fentanyl precursors and two groups of amphetamine-type stimulant precursors enters into force
November 2024
- 15/11/2024 - International Narcotics Control Board holds consultation with Member States on the human rights dimensions of the international drug control treaties and concludes cooperation agreement aimed at improving availability of internationally controlled medicines
October 2024
- 31/10/2024 - International Narcotics Control Board marks milestone of 100,000 synthetic drug trafficking incidents exchanged globally through IONICS platform
- 24/10/2024 - INCB and UPU Convene 7th Postal Operational Meeting to Stop Trafficking of Synthetic Drugs by Postal, Express Courier and Air Cargo Services
- 22/10/2024 - New trends and developments on equipment and excipients used in illicit drug manufacture discussed during expert group meeting
August 2024
- 16/08/2024 - International Partners Join Forces to Disrupt Pharmaceutical Trafficking in Operation African Star
July 2024
- 25/07/2024 - New data visualisation functionality for the Precursors Incident Communication System (PICS)
- 17/07/2024 - International efforts through INCB Operation Zodiac disrupt benzodiazepine trafficking
June 2024
- 26/06/2024 - Statement by the President of the International Narcotics Control Board for the International Day against Drug abuse and Illicit Trafficking
- 07/06/2024 - International Narcotics Control Board President presents 2023 reports to Economic and Social Council
- 05/06/2024 - Statement of the INCB President on Item 19 (d): Narcotic Drugs Report of the International Narcotics Control Board at the Economic and Social Council Management Segment
- 05/06/2024 - Statement of the INCB President at the Economic and Social Council Management Segment
- 04/06/2024 - International Narcotics Control Board calls on Governments to ensure access to internationally controlled medicines in countries and territories experiencing humanitarian emergencies, as 140th session concludes
May 2024
- 23/05/2024 - International Narcotics Control Board re-elects President and elects new officers
- 17/05/2024 - INCB launches two new tools to support authorities in preventing diversion of controlled precursors and related chemicals
April 2024
- 29/04/2024 - Joint INCB/UNODC training: supporting authorities in addressing illicit drug manufacture in South-East Asia and the Pacific
March 2024
- 21/03/2024 - INCB participates in 67th session of the CND, mid-term review process
- 20/03/2024 - INCB launches its technical report on psychotropic substances for 2023 with analysis focused on key manufacturing and consumption trends
- 19/03/2024 - INCB Narcotic Drugs 2023 report notes inequalities in global access to pain medication
- 19/03/2024 - Statements of the INCB President on Item 5 (a) at the 67th session of the CND
- 18/03/2024 - Statement of the INCB President on Item 5 (d) at the 67th session of the CND
- 18/03/2024 - Statement of the INCB President on Item 5 (c) at the 67th session of the CND
- 18/03/2024 - Statement of the INCB President on Item 5 (b) at the 67th session of the CND
- 15/03/2024 - INCB President's statement at the High-level segment Round table (ii) of the 67th session of the CND "The way forward: the road to 2029"
- 14/03/2024 - INCB President's statement at the opening of the high-level segment of the 67th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 12/03/2024 - INCB maps out a way forward for national health- and evidence-based drug policy and takes stock of progress made since 2019
- 05/03/2024 - INCB 2023 Annual Report and Precursors Report launched
- 05/03/2024 - The role of the Internet in drug trafficking and drug use is highlighted in the International Narcotics Control Board Annual Report
- 01/03/2024 - Media Advisory - Global Launch of the INCB Annual Report 2023
February 2024
- 12/02/2024 - The International Narcotics Control Board concludes 139th session
December 2023
- 08/12/2023 - INCB takes part in Commission on Narcotic Drugs thematic discussions and reconvened session
- 08/12/2023 - INCB Learning holds training for drug regulatory authorities in Latin America
November 2023
- 28/11/2023 - International Narcotics Control Board recommends scheduling of 18 precursors of fentanyl and amphetamine-type stimulants
- 10/11/2023 - INCB holds consultation with Member States on operational responses to counter the public health threats posed by trafficking in synthetic drugs and their precursors
- 03/11/2023 - International Narcotics Control Board commences 138th session, welcomes new Members
October 2023
- 27/10/2023 - INCB participates in Commission on Narcotic Drugs thematic discussions
- 23/10/2023 - INCB highlights the need to ensure access to controlled medicines in Israel and Gaza
- 17/10/2023 - INCB mission to Uruguay
- 11/10/2023 - Emergency in Afghanistan
- 10/10/2023 - World Mental Health Day 2023
- 06/10/2023 - International cooperation leads to dismantling of an illicit laboratory and the seizure of 7.5 million doses of new psychoactive substances
September 2023
- 29/09/2023 - INCB mission to Canada
- 29/09/2023 - In remembrance - Mr. Herbert Schaepe
- 18/09/2023 - INCB mission to the Republic of Cyprus
- 13/09/2023 - Emergency in Libya
- 11/09/2023 - Emergency in Morocco
July 2023
- 19/07/2023 - Statement of the President at the African Union Continental technical Experts' consultation on drug supply reduction
- 07/07/2023 - Statement of the President at the Ministerial meeting to launch the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats
June 2023
- 26/06/2023 - Statement of the President at the CND Chair's Special Event to commemorate the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and to launch the 2023 UNODC World Drug Report
- 26/06/2023 - President of International Narcotics Control Board, Jallal Toufiq, highlights importance of putting people first on International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
- 23/06/2023 - INCB Learning holds regional awareness raising workshop on the availability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes
- 08/06/2023 - INCB President presents 2022 reports to Economic and Social Council
- 08/06/2023 - INCB holds training on investigation of suspicious Internet postings related to precursor chemicals
- 07/06/2023 - INCB President addresses Economic and Social Council, presents 2022 reports
- 07/06/2023 - INCB President's statement at Economic and Social Council
May 2023
- 26/05/2023 - International Narcotics Control Board and partners disrupt trafficking networks in Operation Knockout
- 22/05/2023 - International Narcotics Control Board concludes 137th session
- 11/05/2023 - The International Narcotics Control Board elects new President and officers
April 2023
- 07/04/2023 - World Health Day 2023
March 2023
- 22/03/2023 - International Narcotics Control Board participates in sixty-sixth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 16/03/2023 - INCB launches its technical report on psychotropic substances for 2022 with analysis focused on major manufacturers
- 16/03/2023 - INCB Narcotic Drugs 2022 report notes regional imbalances in availability of pain medication, increased global use due to pandemic
- 16/03/2023 - INCB President presents 2022 annual report to Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 13/03/2023 - INCB President's statement at the Opening of the sixty-sixth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 09/03/2023 - INCB 2022 Annual Report, availability supplement and precursors report launched
- 09/03/2023 - International Narcotics Control Board expresses concern over the trend to legalize non-medical use of cannabis, which contravenes the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs
- 03/03/2023 - Media Advisory - Global Launch of the INCB Annual Report 2022
February 2023
- 20/02/2023 - In remembrance - Mr. Bernard Leroy
- 15/02/2023 - INCB Learning holds seminar for national drug regulatory authorities from Latin America and the Caribbean
- 07/02/2023 - Emergency in Syria and Türkiye
January 2023
- 30/01/2023 - International Narcotics Control Board commences 136th session
- 05/01/2023 - INCB mission to the Kyrgyz Republic
December 2022
- 20/12/2022 - INCB mission to the USA
- 09/12/2022 - Statement by the INCB President on the occasion of Human Rights Day, 10 December 2022
- 09/12/2022 - Statement by the INCB President on the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day, 9 December 2022
- 01/12/2022 - Statement by the INCB President on the occasion of World AIDS Day, 1 December 2022
November 2022
- 18/11/2022 - International Narcotics Control Board concludes 135th session
- 03/11/2022 - INCB begins its 135th session supporting Member States to improve availability of controlled substances for licit purposes
October 2022
- 31/10/2022 - Briefing for Group of Latin American and Caribbean States on INCB Learning
- 17/10/2022 - INCB launches a new system to enable the exchange of pre-export notifications on non-scheduled precursor chemicals
- 12/10/2022 - INCB convenes its first Member States consultation to identify concrete steps for addressing the diversion and use of equipment essential for the illicit manufacture of drugs
- 05/10/2022 - INCB President meets with World Customs Organization and European Commission in Brussels
September 2022
- 23/09/2022 - Statement by the INCB President on drug control and human rights at CND thematic discussions
- 23/09/2022 - INCB President participates in first day of CND thematic discussions, focusing on responses not in conformity with the drug control conventions
- 23/09/2022 - Statement by Jagjit Pavadia, INCB President, at the opening of CND intersessional meeting and thematic discussions 2022
- 21/09/2022 - INCB GRIDS Programme holds inter-regional workshop on Public-Private Partnerships for prevention of dangerous substance trafficking through the Internet
- 06/09/2022 - INCB President participates in Geneva special event on improving availability of and access to controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes
- 06/09/2022 - INCB convenes operational meeting to counter trafficking in dangerous synthetic drugs and chemicals through postal, courier and air cargo services
- 06/09/2022 - INCB and CARICOM IMPACS advance practical cooperation to address trafficking of synthetic opioids, NPS and related dangerous substances in the Caribbean
- 01/09/2022 - INCB launches a new e-module on adequate availability of controlled substances
- 01/09/2022 - Emergency in Pakistan
August 2022
- 19/08/2022 - World Humanitarian Day 2022 (#ItTakesAVillage)
- 11/08/2022 - Postal security experts receive training on INCB’s advanced communication and analytics tools and safe handling of dangerous substances
- 06/08/2022 - INCB convenes a global conference for operational officers on the interdiction of fentanyls, other synthetic opioids and related dangerous substances
June 2022
- 24/06/2022 - Statement by Jagjit Pavadia, President of the International Narcotics Control Board, for International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
- 23/06/2022 - Emergency in Afghanistan
- 09/06/2022 - INCB President presents annual reports to Economic and Social Council, focusing on illicit financial flows related to drug trafficking and their impact on development and security
- 09/06/2022 - INCB President addresses the United Nations Economic and Social Council at awareness raising event on improving availability
- 08/06/2022 - INCB President addresses the United Nations Economic and Social Council, presents 2021 reports
May 2022
- 26/05/2022 - INCB commences 134th session, renews President’s mandate and elects new Bureau Members
- 25/05/2022 - INCB hears civil society’s views on trend towards legalizing cannabis for non-medical use
- 23/05/2022 - Agenda for the 134th Session of the International Narcotics Control Board
April 2022
- 07/04/2022 - World Health Day 2022
March 2022
- 23/03/2022 - INCB participates in sixty-fifth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 23/03/2022 - INCB President holds informal dialogue with Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs
- 22/03/2022 - INCB and WCO unite to support access to controlled medicines in Ukraine and neighbouring countries
- 16/03/2022 - INCB President presents 2021 annual reports to Commission on Narcotic Drugs and recommends scheduling of three fentanyl precursors
- 16/03/2022 - Trade in internationally controlled psychotropic substances during 2020 largely unaffected by COVID-19 pandemic; monitoring availability remains a challenge due to limited consumption data
- 16/03/2022 - INCB released its ‘Narcotic Drugs 2021’ technical report
- 14/03/2022 - INCB President's statement at the sixty-fifth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, JOINT CALL FOR ACTION BY THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE COMMISSION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS
- 14/03/2022 - INCB President's statement at the Opening of the sixty-fifth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 10/03/2022 - International Narcotics Control Board warns of illicit financial flows undermining societies and link between exposure to social media and drug use
- 10/03/2022 - INCB 2021 Annual Report and Precursors Report launched
- 02/03/2022 - Media Advisory - Global Launch of the INCB Annual Report 2021 and Precursors Report
February 2022
- 28/02/2022 - INCB statement on ensuring availability of and access to controlled medicines in Ukraine and neighbouring countries
- 07/02/2022 - The International Narcotics Control Board recommends the international scheduling of three fentanyl precursors as 133rd session concludes
- 02/02/2022 - INCB launches guidance document on options to address the proliferation of non-scheduled chemicals and designer precursors
January 2022
- 31/01/2022 - The International Narcotics Control Board commences its 133rd session, assessing the three fentanyl precursors and supporting Member States in preventing illicit drug manufacture
- 07/01/2022 - INCB holds stakeholder consultation on preventing the misuse of e-commerce platforms for trafficking in dangerous substances
December 2021
- 10/12/2021 - Statement by the INCB President on the occasion of Human Rights Day, 10 December 2021
- 06/12/2021 - INCB Learning seminar for national drug regulatory authorities from Latin America and the Caribbean opens
- 06/12/2021 - INCB convenes expert group meeting on national practices related to cooperation with chemical industry on precursors and non-scheduled chemicals used in illicit drug manufacture
- 03/12/2021 - INCB convenes its third expert group meeting on illicit drug manufacturing equipment
- 01/12/2021 - Statement by the INCB President on the occasion of World AIDS Day, 1 December 2021
November 2021
- 22/11/2021 - International Narcotics Control Board concludes 132nd session
- 19/11/2021 - INCB continues policy dialogue with Member States on opportunities afforded under articles 12 and 13 of the 1988 Convention
- 04/11/2021 - The International Narcotics Control Board commences its 132nd session, continues work to support Member States in treaty implementation and progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals
- 03/11/2021 - Agenda for the 132nd Session of the International Narcotics Control Board
October 2021
- 21/10/2021 - Statement by Jagjit Pavadia, President, International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) at the Intersessional Meeting of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND)
- 15/10/2021 - INCB President addresses over 70 Member States at Consultation on practical and concrete measures and approaches for global action to address the proliferation of non-scheduled chemicals and designer precursors
- 13/10/2021 - Opening Remarks by INCB President at the Member States Consultation on practical and concrete measures and approaches for global action to address the proliferation of non-scheduled chemicals and designer precursors
- 08/10/2021 - World Mental Health Day 2021: INCB calls on governments to ensure access to prevention and treatment services for drug use disorders and equitable availability of internationally controlled substances
- 01/10/2021 - International Day of Older Persons: INCB highlights the hidden epidemic of drug use among older persons
September 2021
- 22/09/2021 - INCB President addresses the Subcommission on Illicit Drug Traffic and Related Matters in the Near and Middle East at the extraordinary session of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 09/09/2021 - INCB convenes second international expert group meeting on practical responses to counter fentanyls and emerging synthetic opioids with no known legitimate uses
- 08/09/2021 - INCB, UNODC and WHO Joint Statement on Access to Controlled Medicines in Emergencies
August 2021
- 31/08/2021 - INCB convenes fourth International Expert Meeting on trafficking of dangerous synthetic opioids through postal, express mail, courier and air cargo services
- 31/08/2021 - INCB raises awareness on precursor control framework and its tools in a discussion with the Mexican Technical Group for the Control of Synthetic Drugs
- 30/08/2021 - INCB Learning tools now available in Spanish
- 19/08/2021 - World Humanitarian Day 2021
- 17/08/2021 - Emergency in Haiti
- 06/08/2021 - INCB Learning’s e-modules now available in French and Portuguese
July 2021
- 22/07/2021 - Press release: INCB President presents 2020 reports to Economic and Social Council and highlights contributions to Sustainable Development Goals
- 22/07/2021 - INCB President addresses the United Nations Economic and Social Council Management Segment
- 07/07/2021 - INCB launches updated training material on the control of psychotropic substances
- 01/07/2021 - INCB convenes expert technical consultation to identify concrete solutions to the challenges posed by the spread of non-scheduled chemicals and designer precursors
June 2021
- 25/06/2021 - The INCB President addresses the Commission on Narcotic Drugs at the Special Event commemorating the United Nations International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
- 25/06/2021 - Statement on the occasion of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
- 25/06/2021 - INCB promotes e-commerce industry partnerships globally to address trafficking of dangerous substances
- 21/06/2021 - The International Narcotics Control Board launches a new INCB Learning e-module
May 2021
- 31/05/2021 - International Narcotics Control Board concludes 131st session
- 20/05/2021 - The International Narcotics Control Board commences its 131st session, elects new President and Bureau Members, continues work to ensure availability of internationally controlled substances
- 19/05/2021 - INCB discusses impact of illicit financial flows through drug trafficking on development and security with civil society
- 10/05/2021 - Economic and Social Council elects new members of the International Narcotics Control Board
- 07/05/2021 - INCB convenes second expert group meeting on illicit drug manufacturing equipment
April 2021
- 29/04/2021 - Emergency in Brazil and India
- 14/04/2021 - INCB President presents annual reports and anniversary supplement to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 14/04/2021 - Less opioids, more cannabis used in 2019: UN’s drug control body INCB releases annual data on global narcotics production, use, trade, and 2021 needs
- 14/04/2021 - Key benzodiazepines, phenobarbital and methylphenidate continue to dominate the licit international market for psychotropic substances
- 12/04/2021 - Statement by the President of the International Narcotics Control Board Cornelis P. de Joncheere at the ceremonial opening segment of the sixty-fourth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 07/04/2021 - Message by the President of the International Narcotics Control Board Cornelis P. de Joncheere on World Health Day 2021
March 2021
- 25/03/2021 - Hidden epidemic of drug use among older people highlighted by International Narcotics Control Board’s Annual Report
- 25/03/2021 - INCB 2020 Annual Report, Anniversary Report and Precursors Report launched
- 23/03/2021 - Facilitating Timely Supply of and Access to Controlled Drugs During Emergency Situations
- 17/03/2021 - Media Advisory - Global launch of the INCB Annual Report and Precursors Report 2020
- 15/03/2021 - INCB Stakeholders Consultation aims to prevent exploitation of e-wallet services for trafficking in dangerous substances
- 10/03/2021 - International Narcotics Control Board welcomes Mark Colhoun as new Secretary
- 09/03/2021 - INCB President addresses 14th UN Crime Congress in Kyoto, highlighting importance of proportionate responses to drug-related crimes and INCB efforts to address the synthetic drug epidemic
- 08/03/2021 - INCB Learning holds regional webinars for national drug regulatory authorities in South East Asia and the Pacific
- 05/03/2021 - INCB discusses supply of cannabis raw material and demand for cannabinoids with regulatory agencies, industry and international organizations
February 2021
- 19/02/2021 - 50 Years of International Control in Psychotropic Substances
- 09/02/2021 - International Narcotics Control Board concludes 130th session
January 2021
- 22/01/2021 - INCB holds Expert Group Meeting on control and monitoring requirements of cannabis and cannabis-related substances
- 08/01/2021 - The International Narcotics Control Board provides Governments with a comprehensive compilation of precursor chemical monographs, jointly with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Regional Office for Southeast Asia and the Pacific
- 04/01/2021 - INCB holds consultations with Uruguay on cannabis legalization for non-medical purposes
December 2020
- 22/12/2020 - INCB reviews the drug control situation in the Philippines, including alleged extrajudicial responses to suspected drug-related activities, and reiterates request to conduct a mission to the Philippines
- 18/12/2020 - INCB rolls out advanced analytics tools for OCO partners and Governments in the Pacific
- 16/12/2020 - Launch of the first INCB Expert Group Meeting on the Trafficking of Dangerous Substances through Freight Forwarding Services
- 10/12/2020 - Message on Human Rights Day 2020 - INCB President Mr. Cornelis P. de Joncheere
- 08/12/2020 - International Narcotics Control Board Learning training benefits 10 countries of Francophone Africa
- 01/12/2020 - Message on World AIDS Day 2020 - INCB President Mr. Cornelis P. de Joncheere
November 2020
- 16/11/2020 - International Narcotics Control Board concludes 129th session
- 12/11/2020 - Drug Treaty anniversary event: proliferation of chemicals used in illicit drug manufacture a growing challenge
October 2020
- 29/10/2020 - Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on availability of internationally controlled substances for medical purposes and on drug trafficking to be analyzed at International Narcotics Control Board session
- 23/10/2020 - Agenda for the 129th Session of the International Narcotics Control Board
- 22/10/2020 - Access to and availability of controlled substances in times of crisis
- 22/10/2020 - Members of International Narcotics Control Board contribute to thematic sessions of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 13/10/2020 - INCB e-learning training benefits 100 countries and territories worldwide
- 09/10/2020 - World Mental Health Day
- 08/10/2020 - INCB President addresses second intersessional meeting of Commission on Narcotic Drugs
September 2020
- 29/09/2020 - The International Narcotics Control Board holds training for national drug regulatory authorities in South America
- 18/09/2020 - Obituary of Dr. Elisaldo Luiz de Araújo Carlini
- 17/09/2020 - International Narcotics Control Board convenes experts to review methodologies for collecting data on consumption of psychotropic substances
- 03/09/2020 - The International Narcotics Control Board holds postponed 128th session, renews President’s mandate and elects new Bureau Members
- 01/09/2020 - INCB commences 128th session
- 01/09/2020 - Agenda for the 128th Session of the International Narcotics Control Board
August 2020
- 14/08/2020 - INCB, WHO and UNODC statement on access to internationally controlled medicines during COVID-19 pandemic
- 06/08/2020 - Emergency in Beirut
July 2020
- 23/07/2020 - Combatting the illegal sale of opioids and other dangerous substances online and strengthening partnerships with the private sector, discussed at first INCB Expert Group Meeting
- 21/07/2020 - Conclusion of the Expert Group Meeting on Dangerous Substance Trafficking through Social Media and other Internet-related Services
- 13/07/2020 - Launch of the Expert Group Meeting on Dangerous Substance Trafficking through Social Media and other Internet-related Services
- 02/07/2020 - Changes in the INCB secretariat
June 2020
- 29/06/2020 - INCB President participates in CND special event on the occasion of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking
- 25/06/2020 - Statement by the President of the INCB, Cornelis P. de Joncheere, on the occasion of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
- 19/06/2020 - INCB e-learning modules attract hundreds of new participants
- 16/06/2020 - INCB Learning holds first webinar sessions in Spanish
- 09/06/2020 - Change in the INCB secretariat
- 03/06/2020 - INCB President presents 2019 reports to Economic and Social Council Meeting
May 2020
- 19/05/2020 - Major tramadol trafficking network dismantled under INCB's 'Operation Trance
- 11/05/2020 - INCB backs paperless trade amid COVID-19 pandemic
April 2020
- 29/04/2020 - INCB President joins call to extend palliative care during and after COVID-19 pandemic
- 24/04/2020 - Multilateralism at Work
- 17/04/2020 - International Narcotics Control Board chemical trade and counter-trafficking systems open throughout COVID-19 pandemic
- 07/04/2020 - INCB joins WHO in celebrating nurses and other health professionals for World Health Day
- 03/04/2020 - International Narcotics Control Board postpones 128th session; ongoing support to governments for international licit trade in controlled substances continues
March 2020
- 24/03/2020 - I2ES Forum - Platform for exchanging ideas on contingency measures during COVID-19
- 17/03/2020 - The International Narcotics Control Board calls on governments to ensure continued access to controlled medicines for pain relief and palliative care and for mental health and neurological conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 13/03/2020 - COVID 19 - INCB continues to ensure functioning of international system for trade in controlled substances to ensure their availability for medical, scientific, and legitimate industrial purposes
- 13/03/2020 - INCB participates in 63rd Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 13/03/2020 - Fifth I2ES User Group Meeting held at margins of 63rd session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 06/03/2020 - INCB participates in 63rd session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 06/03/2020 - International Narcotics Control Board launches guidelines to prevent the diversion of equipment used in illicit drug manufacture
- 04/03/2020 - INCB President's statement on Item 5(a) of the 63rd CND
- 04/03/2020 - INCB publishes 2019 Technical Reports on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
- 03/03/2020 - INCB launches Spanish versions of e-learning modules @63CND side event
- 03/03/2020 - International Narcotics Control Board launches Spanish versions of e-learning modules during CND side event on INCB Learning
- 03/03/2020 - INCB President's statement on Item 5(d) of the 63rd CND
- 03/03/2020 - INCB President's statement on Item 5(c) of the 63rd CND
- 03/03/2020 - INCB Learning Side Event
- 03/03/2020 - INCB President's statement on Item 5(b) of the 63rd CND
- 02/03/2020 - INCB President participates in @63CND side-event on Norway’s proposal to move from a punitive to supportive approach
- 02/03/2020 - INCB President addresses opening of the 63rd session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
February 2020
- 27/02/2020 - INCB 2019 Annual Report and Precursors Report launched
- 27/02/2020 - INCB calls for increased focus on improving substance use prevention and treatment services for young people
- 20/02/2020 - MEDIA ADVISORY Global launch of the INCB Annual Report and Precursors Report 2019
- 10/02/2020 - International Narcotics Control Board concludes 127th session in Vienna
- 10/02/2020 - INCB holds consultations with Government of Afghanistan
- 04/02/2020 - International Narcotics Control Board opened 127th session in Vienna
January 2020
- 24/01/2020 - Agenda for the 127th Session of the International Narcotics Control Board
December 2019
- 13/12/2019 - INCB recommends scheduling of MAPA to CND
- 13/12/2019 - INCB President speaks at reconvened Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 12/12/2019 - INCB experts provide training in Colombia
- 02/12/2019 - INCB Learning holds regional training seminar in Moscow
November 2019
- 18/11/2019 - International Narcotics Control Board recommends the international control of methyl alpha-phenylacetoacetate to address illicit manufacture of amphetamine and methamphetamine
- 06/11/2019 - INCB and Member States engage in an open dialogue on ensuring adequate access to internationally controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes
October 2019
- 31/10/2019 - Ensuring availability of controlled medicines, treaty compliance and challenges in the world drugs situation to be discussed at INCB session in Vienna
- 23/10/2019 - INCB Board member Viroj Sumyai addresses opening of HONLEA Asia and the Pacific
- 16/10/2019 - INCB President opens intersessional meeting of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 11/10/2019 - Statement of the President of the International Narcotics Control Board, Cornelis P. De Joncheere, on the occasion of World Mental Health Day
- 10/10/2019 - INCB mission to Jordan
September 2019
- 26/09/2019 - INCB mission to New Zealand
- 25/09/2019 - INCB advances cooperation to address trafficking of non-medical synthetic opioids in the Pacific with Oceania Customs Organization
- 25/09/2019 - INCB mission to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
- 24/09/2019 - INCB mission to Trinidad and Tobago
- 18/09/2019 - INCB mission to Ukraine
- 13/09/2019 - INCB mission to Madagascar
- 05/09/2019 - Emergency in Bahamas, Hurricane Dorian and Floods
August 2019
- 29/08/2019 - INCB welcomes Palau's accession to the UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
July 2019
- 23/07/2019 - President of International Narcotics Control Board calls for urgent assistance to address the drug situation in Afghanistan and the global imbalance in availability of internationally controlled medicines
- 11/07/2019 - INCB secretariat offers perspectives on monitoring of international trade in controlled substances at WTO workshop
June 2019
- 28/06/2019 - Mission to Kosovo
- 26/06/2019 - INCB President addresses CND special event commemorating the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
- 25/06/2019 - Message on International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
- 21/06/2019 - Mission to Austria
- 19/06/2019 - Obituary Madan Mohan Bhatnagar
- 04/06/2019 - INCB Learning holds regional training seminar in Quito, Ecuador for countries in Latin America
May 2019
- 28/05/2019 - Mission to Norway
- 20/05/2019 - International Narcotics Control Board concludes 125th session
- 10/05/2019 - International Narcotics Control Board elects new officers and continues treaty monitoring work at its 125th session
- 08/05/2019 - The International Narcotics Control Board and Civil Society Discuss Young People and Drugs
April 2019
- 29/04/2019 - INCB mission to Côte d'Ivoire
- 16/04/2019 - INCB mission to Montenegro
- 05/04/2019 - INCB mission to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
- 03/04/2019 - INCB mission to Uzbekistan
- 02/04/2019 - Mission to Sri Lanka
- 02/04/2019 - INCB mission to Chile
March 2019
- 22/03/2019 - Increasing access to medicines and reducing pain
- 22/03/2019 - INCB holds fourth User Group meeting on the International Import Export Authorization System (I2ES)
- 21/03/2019 - Emergency in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe – Cyclone Idai and floods
- 21/03/2019 - INCB welcomes Commission on Narcotic Drugs’ decision to adopt its recommendation on the international scheduling of amphetamine-type stimulant precursors
- 20/03/2019 - INCB President holds informal dialogue with civil society
- 20/03/2019 - INCB publishes 2018 Technical Reports on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
- 18/03/2019 - INCB President presents key reports and recommendations to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 15/03/2019 - Side Event to the 62nd session of the CND: Progress in ensuring the availability of internationally controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes
- 14/03/2019 - Side Event to the 62nd session of the CND: A health-centred approach to drug dependence
- 14/03/2019 - INCB President addresses the Ministerial segment at the 62nd session of the CND
- 11/03/2019 - INCB convenes international experts to tackle the growing illegal trade in pill presses and related drug-making equipment
- 05/03/2019 - INCB 2018 Annual Report, availability supplement and Precursors Report Launched
February 2019
- 27/02/2019 - INCB 2018 Annual Report, supplement on availability and Precursors Report to be launched globally on 5 March 2019
- 08/02/2019 - INCB concludes 124th session, meets with Member States on past year drug control developments
- 04/02/2019 - INCB begins 124th session, focuses on cooperation with Governments and international organizations
- 01/02/2019 - Statement of the President of the International Narcotics Control Board, Viroj Sumyai, on the occasion of World Cancer Day
January 2019
- 25/01/2019 - Strengthening international cooperation and global intelligence sharing through INCB tools
- 15/01/2019 - INCB Learning project launches training event for El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras
- 15/01/2019 - INCB builds e-commerce industry partnerships to address internet trafficking of dangerous substances
- 15/01/2019 - INCB Learning project launches training event for El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras
December 2018
- 11/12/2018 - Mission to Paraguay
- 07/12/2018 - INCB actions, tools addressing global synthetic opioids crisis
- 05/12/2018 - Mission to Jamaica
November 2018
- 16/11/2018 - International Narcotics Control Board concludes its 123rd session with treaty compliance and health and well-being at the core of deliberations
- 07/11/2018 - President of INCB addresses fifth intersessional meeting of Commission on Narcotic Drugs on treaty implementation
- 06/11/2018 - Marking 50th anniversary, INCB met States to discuss the international drug control system, challenges and way forward
- 01/11/2018 - INCB begins its 123 rd session, examining new legislative developments to comply with the conventions
October 2018
- 29/10/2018 - INCB 123rd session (30 October - 16 November 2018)
- 25/10/2018 - Obituary General Samak
- 24/10/2018 - Mission to the United Kingdom
- 22/10/2018 - Mission to Tunisia
- 17/10/2018 - Statement by the International Narcotics Control Board on the entry into force of Bill C-45 legalising cannabis for non-medical purposes in Canada
- 10/10/2018 - Mental Health Day 2018 – drug dependence is a mental health issue that is preventable, treatable and curable
- 03/10/2018 - Mission to Qatar
- 01/10/2018 - Emergency in Indonesia – Earthquakes and Tsunami in Central Sulawesi
- 01/10/2018 - INCB President urges Governments to prioritize access to controlled medicines and drug abuse prevention and treatment, addressing General Assembly high-level meeting on non-communicable diseases
- 01/10/2018 - Mission to Luxembourg
September 2018
- 28/09/2018 - INCB President participates at General Assembly high-level meeting on non-communicable diseases
- 27/09/2018 - Board’s plan of action yielding early results in addressing the global synthetic opioids crisis
- 17/09/2018 - Mission to the United Arab Emirates
- 10/09/2018 - INCB Learning project kicks off regional training for Francophone Africa in Dakar, Senegal
- 08/09/2018 - Mission to Nepal
- 06/09/2018 - Mission to Germany
August 2018
- 21/08/2018 - Emergency in Indonesia - Earthquake and devastation in Lombok island
- 21/08/2018 - Emergency in India – INCB’s call for assistance of Governments in expediting the export of medicines
July 2018
- 30/07/2018 - Mission to Mauritius
- 10/07/2018 - Mission to Mongolia
- 04/07/2018 - INCB holds side event on drug control, human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals at UN Headquarters
- 03/07/2018 - INCB President presents 2017 Annual Report to ECOSOC
- 03/07/2018 - Mission to Armenia
June 2018
- 26/06/2018 - Message on International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
- 21/06/2018 - INCB expresses deep concern about the legalization of cannabis for non-medical use in Canada
- 18/06/2018 - Mission to the Netherlands
- 14/06/2018 - INCB presents plan of action at G-7 expert meeting on innovative responses to the challenges posed by synthetic drugs
- 12/06/2018 - Reviewing the implementation of the three international drug control treaties by the Republic of Botswana
- 11/06/2018 - Mission to France
- 11/06/2018 - Discussion on the implementation of the international drug control legal framework with national stakeholders
- 06/06/2018 - INCB participates in the 40th meeting of the WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence
May 2018
- 30/05/2018 - INCB President takes part in 71st World Health Assembly in Geneva
- 29/05/2018 - INCB countering precursor and opioids trafficking with its international partners
- 25/05/2018 - INCB holds consultations with WHO and Heads of UNODC, CND, and ECOSOC
- 22/05/2018 - INCB concludes its 122nd session; treaty compliance critical to ensuring public health and wellbeing
- 17/05/2018 - INCB Countering the Opioids Crisis through its Global Projects
- 09/05/2018 - INCB convenes for its 122nd session, renewing President’s mandate and electing new Bureau Members
- 07/05/2018 - INCB meets with civil society
- 03/05/2018 - INCB 122nd session (7-18 May 2018)
April 2018
- 25/04/2018 - INCB-UPU partnership responds to deadly synthetic opioids
- 10/04/2018 - Mission to Estonia
- 09/04/2018 - INCB participation at the Launch Symposium of the Lancet Commission Report
- 06/04/2018 - INCB President's statement on World Health Day
March 2018
- 22/03/2018 - INCB President participates in 61st session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 21/03/2018 - INCB holds the third User Group meeting for the International Import Export Authorization System (I2ES)
- 15/03/2018 - INCB launches new tools to help ensure the availability of controlled substances
- 15/03/2018 - INCB President presents Annual Report and Precursors Report to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 14/03/2018 - INCB holds the third User Group meeting for the International Import Export Authorization System
- 13/03/2018 - INCB President welcomes cooperation with UNODC and WHO to support Member States in addressing the world drug problem
- 12/03/2018 - INCB presents at the opening of the 61st session of the CND
- 12/03/2018 - Special Event - Countries at the Centre: INCB, UNODC and WHO supporting Member States in implementing UNGASS 2016
- 12/03/2018 - Joint Statement of INCB, UNODC and WHO on Implementation of the UNGASS 2016 Recommendations
- 07/03/2018 - INCB’s 2017 Annual Report and Precursors Report released
- 01/03/2018 - INCB 2017 Annual Report and Precursors Report Launched
February 2018
- 26/02/2018 - INCB 2017 Annual Report and Precursors Report to be launched globally on 1 March 2018
- 09/02/2018 - INCB concludes 121st session, calls on States to implement international drug control conventions in accordance with human rights
- 05/02/2018 - INCB begins 121st session, focuses on cooperation with national competent authorities and international organizations
- 04/02/2018 - World Cancer Day: INCB emphasizes the right to health and access to critical medicines
December 2017
- 21/12/2017 - Mission to Guyana
- 12/12/2017 - INCB Learning project kicks off training in Guatemala
- 11/12/2017 - Human Rights Day – applying a human rights-based approach to drug control
- 06/12/2017 - Mission to Russian Federation
- 05/12/2017 - Mission to Australia
- 04/12/2017 - World AIDS day – The right to health and adequate access to controlled substances
November 2017
- 28/11/2017 - INCB Learning project kicks off regional training for Oceania in Sydney
- 24/11/2017 - Mission to Switzerland
- 17/11/2017 - INCB concludes its 120th Session with call from President to take a human-rights approach to treating drug disorders
- 14/11/2017 - 120th Session – Consultation between INCB and Nepal
- 13/11/2017 - Emergency in the Myanmar-Bangladesh border region
- 02/11/2017 - INCB begins its 120th Session: President highlights importance of innovative international communication platforms and INCB’s efforts to train national competent authorities
October 2017
- 27/10/2017 - INCB presents to the Fifth International Conference on Novel Psychoactive Substances
- 20/10/2017 - INCB presents at WHO’s Global Conference on NCDs
- 19/10/2017 - INCB participates in the World Health Organization’s Global Conference on Noncommunicable Diseases
- 18/10/2017 - INCB: Scheduling of fentanyl precursors comes into force
- 10/10/2017 - World Mental Health Day – INCB on Access to Controlled Substances and Treatment for those Living with a Mental Health Condition
- 04/10/2017 - I2ES User Group Meeting, Bern 3-5 October
- 02/10/2017 - International Day of Older Persons 2017 – Risks Associated with Inappropriate Use of Benzodiazepines
September 2017
- 29/09/2017 - INCB presents to fourth intersessional intersessional meeting of the Commission on the implementation of the outcome of the 30th UNGASS
- 27/09/2017 - World Tourism Day – INCB on Travelling with Controlled Substances
- 20/09/2017 - Emergency in Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico – INCB’s call for assistance of Governments in expediting the export of medicines
- 15/09/2017 - INCB President participates in UNODC 20th anniversary event and meets with Representatives of Member States
August 2017
- 21/08/2017 - INCB condemns acts of violence against persons suspected of drug-related crime and drug use in the Philippines
- 03/08/2017 - UN News interview: INCB President calls for greater access to treatment for women
July 2017
- 11/07/2017 - INCB President presents annual report to ECOSOC and holds consultations with Presidents of the General Assembly and ECOSOC
- 06/07/2017 - INCB President participates in the ECOSOC Coordination and Management Meeting
- 05/07/2017 - INCB Learning project kicks off regional training for Europe in Vienna
June 2017
- 30/06/2017 - INCB participation in the Seminar on “Women and Drugs: from policy to good practice”
- 28/06/2017 - INCB participates at WHO Forum on alcohol, drugs and addictive behaviours
- 23/06/2017 - Statement on the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
- 15/06/2017 - Mission to the Arab Republic of Egypt
- 13/06/2017 - France's Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Division visits INCB Secretariat
- 06/06/2017 - Special event on implementing the scheduling decisions
- 02/06/2017 - Honduras’ Deputy Health Minister visits INCB secretariat
May 2017
- 26/05/2017 - Determined to tackle drug control challenges, INCB concludes 119th session
- 16/05/2017 - INCB convenes for its 119th session, electing new President and Bureau Members
April 2017
- 25/04/2017 - INCB President advocates alternatives to punishment at meeting of EU National Drug Coordinators
- 20/04/2017 - INCB 119th Session (15 - 26 May 2017)
- 07/04/2017 - INCB calls for adequate access to medicines for treatment of mental illness on occasion of World Health Day
March 2017
- 17/03/2017 - INCB President: Scheduling of fentanyl precursors is a good example of how the conventions protect public health
- 17/03/2017 - INCB meets with users of I2ES at CND
- 17/03/2017 - INCB side event on proportionality at CND
- 16/03/2017 - Press Release: INCB President at the 60th session of CND
- 15/03/2017 - INCB President meets civil society representatives
- 13/03/2017 - INCB President addresses high-level opening of 60th session of the CND
- 02/03/2017 - Launch of the INCB Annual Report 2016 and the Precursors Annual Report 2016
- 01/03/2017 - INCB-UNODC third international conference on "Precursor Chemicals and New Psychoactive Substances” outcome document
- 01/03/2017 - Upcoming launch of the INCB Annual Report and Precursors Report for 2016
February 2017
- 22/02/2017 - INCB-UNODC third international conference on "Precursor Chemicals and New Psychoactive substances” opens in Bangkok
- 03/02/2017 - INCB urges increased vigilance and international cooperation to effectively address the world drug problem in compliance with human rights
- 02/02/2017 - INCB recommends international control of two fentanyl precursors
January 2017
- 25/01/2017 - INCB’s contribution to the CND thematic discussions on implementation of the UNGASS outcome document
November 2016
- 18/11/2016 - INCB concludes 117th session - Board finalizes 2016 reports, reiterates importance of the principle of proportionality
- 03/11/2016 - INCB opens its 117th session – full treaty compliance and international cooperative action key to addressing the world drug problem
October 2016
- 31/10/2016 - Mission to the Republic of Senegal
- 27/10/2016 - Post-UNGASS: INCB's contribution to the thematic discussion on the UNGASS outcome document
- 25/10/2016 - INCB concludes treaty compliance monitoring visit to Bolivia
- 25/10/2016 - INCB 117th Session of the Board (1-18 November 2016)
- 25/10/2016 - Mission to Canada
- 24/10/2016 - Mission to the Republic of South Africa
- 17/10/2016 - INCB Precursors Task Force launches international cooperation initiative to address the illicit manufacture of fake "Captagon" tablets
- 14/10/2016 - Expert Group Meeting on Defined Daily Doses and Consumption Benchmarking for Psychotropic Substances
- 13/10/2016 - INCB President addresses OSCE Conference on Combatting the Threat of Illicit Drugs and the Diversion of Chemical Precursors
- 12/10/2016 - Post-UNGASS: INCB's contribution to the thematic discussions on the UNGASS outcome document
- 03/10/2016 - Statement of the INCB President, Mr. Werner Sipp, in advance of the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan
September 2016
- 12/09/2016 - Emergency in Tanzania
August 2016
- 03/08/2016 - INCB expresses concern about reports of violence against persons suspected of drug-related crime and drug use in the Philippines
- 02/08/2016 - INCB reiterates its call to States to consider the abolition of the death penalty for drug-related offences
July 2016
- 26/07/2016 - Health and welfare central to drug control, INCB recalls in report to Economic and Social Council
- 26/07/2016 - INCB First-Vice President holds consultations with the President of the ECOSOC
- 22/07/2016 - Mission to the State of Palestine
- 20/07/2016 - Mission to Israel
- 15/07/2016 - INCB holds national workshop on availability of controlled medicines in Bangkok
- 12/07/2016 - INCB Learning project kicks off regional training for South and East Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok, Thailand
June 2016
- 24/06/2016 - Statement on the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
- 17/06/2016 - Mission to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
- 10/06/2016 - Statement on the occasion of the conclusion of the High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS
- 03/06/2016 - Mission to the Republic of Argentina
May 2016
- 27/05/2016 - The International Narcotics Control Board concludes its 116th session; women and drugs to be focus of 2016 Annual Report
- 26/05/2016 - INCB holds consultations with UNODC Executive Director
- 24/05/2016 - At its 116th session, INCB reviews requirements for controlled medicines, encourages increased vigilance towards precursor shipments to Syria
- 20/05/2016 - INCB holds consultations with the World Health Organization (WHO)
- 19/05/2016 - INCB holds consultations with Chair of Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 17/05/2016 - International Narcotics Control Board renews President's mandate and elects new Bureau at 116th session in Vienna
- 13/05/2016 - INCB releases newsletter covering activities of the Board for the period January to April 2016
- 12/05/2016 - INCB concludes Vienna workshop on role of partnerships in preventing the diversion of chemicals into illicit channels
- 10/05/2016 - Mission to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
- 10/05/2016 - INCB holds a workshop on successes and challenges of public-private partnerships in preventing the diversion of chemicals
- 09/05/2016 - INCB participates at the 23rd European Cities Against Drugs Mayors' Conference
April 2016
- 29/04/2016 - INCB Learning project wraps up regional training and launches national workshop on availability in Nairobi, Kenya
- 25/04/2016 - INCB kicks off regional training for East Africa in Nairobi, Kenya under the new Learning project
- 21/04/2016 - INCB conclusions at UNGASS
- 21/04/2016 - INCB participation in UNGASS round tables on cross-cutting issues and alternative development
- 20/04/2016 - INCB participation at UNGASS side events
- 20/04/2016 - INCB participation in UNGASS round tables on supply reduction and cross cutting issues
- 19/04/2016 - INCB President participated as panellist in UNGASS Round table on drugs and health
- 19/04/2016 - INCB holds side event at UNGASS
- 19/04/2016 - INCB President addresses opening of the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem
- 18/04/2016 - INCB President holds consultations with Australian Assistant Minister for Health
- 15/04/2016 - INCB Side Event at UNGASS 2016
- 07/04/2016 - Mission to the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
- 05/04/2016 - Mission to the Sultanate of Oman
March 2016
- 22/03/2016 - INCB conducts extensive consultations at the 59th session of the CND
- 18/03/2016 - INCB holds I2ES User Group meeting during 59th session of the CND
- 18/03/2016 - INCB President meets civil society at 59th session of the CND
- 17/03/2016 - INCB President presents the issue on availability of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for medical and scientific purposes
- 17/03/2016 - President Sipp presents INCB Annual Report and Precursors Report to 59th CND
- 14/03/2016 - INCB President addresses opening of CND special segment on preparations for UNGASS 2016
- 02/03/2016 - Launch of the INCB Annual Report 2015 and the Precursors Annual Report 2015
- 01/03/2016 - Worldwide launch of the INCB Annual Report and Precursors Report 2015, 2 March 2016
February 2016
- 24/02/2016 - INCB 2015 Availability Report is now available in six official languages of the United Nations
- 03/02/2016 - INCB launches the 2015 Availability Report
- 03/02/2016 - INCB calls on countries to ensure worldwide medical access to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
- 01/02/2016 - International Narcotics Control Board reiterates importance of full and balanced implementation of the three international drug control conventions
January 2016
- 15/01/2016 - INCB releases newsletter covering activities of the Board for the period September to December 2015
December 2015
- 09/12/2015 - Portuguese drug policy: alternatives to punishment
- 09/12/2015 - INCB president addressed the CND at its special segment on the preparation for the special session of the GA on the world drug problem in 2016
November 2015
- 27/11/2015 - Mission to Uruguay
- 23/11/2015 - INCB Member addresses International Conference on Alternative Development
- 13/11/2015 - International Narcotics Control Board concludes its 114th session
- 11/11/2015 - INCB President addresses United Nations Member States
October 2015
- 29/10/2015 - INCB opens its 114th session focussing on UNGASS 2016 preparations
- 21/10/2015 - Mission to the People's Republic of China
- 06/10/2015 - INCB 114th Session of the Board (27 October - 13 November 2015)
September 2015
- 04/09/2015 - INCB releases newsletter covering activities of the Board for the period May to August 2015
July 2015
- 21/07/2015 - INCB President addresses ECOSOC
June 2015
- 18/06/2015 - INCB Mission to the Italian Republic
May 2015
- 21/05/2015 - INCB Mission to the Republic of Moldova
- 20/05/2015 - INCB Mission to the Islamic Republic of Iran
- 15/05/2015 - The International Narcotics Control Board reviews global availability of medicines and access to treatment
- 07/05/2015 - The International Narcotics Control Board elects new President and Bureau
- 04/05/2015 - The International Narcotics Control Board opens its 113th session in Vienna
- 03/05/2015 - INCB releases newsletter covering activities of the Board for the period January to April 2015
April 2015
- 29/04/2015 - International Conference on Precursor Chemicals and New Psychoactive Substances
- 28/04/2015 - Emergency in Nepal
- 27/04/2015 - INCB asks countries to facilitate the emergency supply of medicines to victims of the earthquake in Nepal
- 22/04/2015 - Opening of joint INCB-UNODC international conference on Precursor Chemicals and New Psychoactive Substances
- 17/04/2015 - INCB Mission to the Republic of Ghana
- 09/04/2015 - Richard Phillip Mattick of Australia elected as new member of International Narcotics Control Board
March 2015
- 16/03/2015 - Emergency in Vanuatu
- 13/03/2015 - President Naidoo presents INCB Annual Reports to 58th CND
- 13/03/2015 - INCB releases its two technical publications for 2014
- 10/03/2015 - World wide launch of I2ES
- 09/03/2015 - President Naidoo addresses special segment of 58th CND
- 03/03/2015 - Three quarters of the world has limited or no access to pain relief medications, says INCB Report
- 03/03/2015 - Launch of the INCB Annual Report 2014 and the Precursors Annual Report 2014
- 02/03/2015 - INCB Annual Report and Precursors Report for 2014 to be launched on 3 March 2015 at 12:00 CET
February 2015
- 27/02/2015 - INCB Mission to the Republic of Honduras
- 25/02/2015 - INCB congratulates Afghanistan on its accession to the 1972 Protocol amending the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs
- 21/02/2015 - Mission to the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
- 03/02/2015 - INCB warns against weakening the international drug control legal framework
January 2015
- 13/01/2015 - INCB releases newsletter covering activities of the Board for the period September to December 2014
December 2014
- 11/12/2014 - Mission to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
- 10/12/2014 - Mission to the Kingdom of Bahrain
October 2014
- 30/10/2014 - The International Narcotics Control Board opens its 111th session in Vienna
- 28/10/2014 - INCB 111th Session of the Board (28 October - 14 November 2014)
- 22/10/2014 - INCB highlights concerns over non-scheduled substances at the 38th HONLEA
- 18/10/2014 - Mission to the United Republic of Tanzania
- 07/10/2014 - Statement from the president of INCB made available at the Sixth Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Drug Control (CAMDC6) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 05/10/2014 - President of the International Narcotics Control Board delivers key note plenary lecture at the 16th International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM) World Congress, 2014, in Yokohama, Japan
September 2014
- 16/09/2014 - INCB releases newsletter covering activities of the Board, including its President's visit to UN Headquarters, presentation to ECOSOC and other matters
- 04/09/2014 - INCB briefs Member States at the CND Intersessional Meeting on availability of drugs for pain relief
July 2014
- 23/07/2014 - INCB President interacts with African Pain Policy Fellowship training programme
- 15/07/2014 - Presenting INCB reports to Economic and Social Council, INCB President recalls the humanitarian goals of the international drug control conventions
- 15/07/2014 - INCB President participates in ECOSOC high-level panel discussion on the world drug problem and sustainable development
- 11/07/2014 - At high-level meeting of General Assembly, INCB President urges concrete action to ensure prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases
- 11/07/2014 - President of INCB meets with United Nations Secretary-General
- 10/07/2014 - INCB President meets with Director-General of the World Health Organization
- 10/07/2014 - INCB President meets with President of General Assembly at margins of high-level meeting on non-communicable diseases
June 2014
- 11/06/2014 - INCB congratulates Timor-Leste on its accession to the 1988 Convention
- 02/06/2014 - INCB reviews availability of medicines and prevention of drug abuse worldwide
May 2014
- 19/05/2014 - The International Narcotics Control Board elects new President and Bureau
- 19/05/2014 - INCB elects Dr. Naidoo as its new president
- 19/05/2014 - INCB 110th Session of the Board (19 - 30 May 2014)
- 14/05/2014 - INCB President underscores the importance of shared responsibility in reducing global trafficking of new psychoactive substance
April 2014
- 30/04/2014 - INCB holds workshop on boosting cooperation between governments and chemical and other industries
- 09/04/2014 - 57th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs decides on the international scheduling of alpha-phenylacetoacetonitrile (APAAN)
March 2014
- 28/03/2014 - Availability of Narcotic Drugs for Medical use
- 27/03/2014 - Mission to Iceland
- 24/03/2014 - INCB participation at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs 57 th session and high-level review (13 - 21 March 2014)
- 20/03/2014 - Side event on the International Import Export Authorization System (I2ES) during the 57th session of CND
- 13/03/2014 - INCB president addresses the high-level segment of the 57th Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 05/03/2014 - INCB encourages States to consider the abolition of the death penalty for drug-related offences
- 04/03/2014 - Launch of the INCB Annual Report 2013 and the Precursors Annual Report 2013
- 04/03/2014 - INCB releases its two technical publications for 2013
February 2014
- 25/02/2014 - INCB Annual Report and Precursors Report for 2013 to be launched on 4 March 2014 at 12:00 CET
- 10/02/2014 - Contribution of INCB to CND High Level Review
- 03/02/2014 - World Cancer Day - INCB reiterates the right to access internationally controlled narcotic drugs for the relief of pain and suffering
January 2014
- 31/01/2014 - INCB President visits the Vatican
- 30/01/2014 - INCB 109th Session of the Board (3 - 7 February 2014)
- 28/01/2014 - INCB to be presented with the outcomes of the Joint INCB-UNODC International Conference on Precursors Control in Asia during it's 109th Session
December 2013
- 20/12/2013 - 25th Anniversary of the Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
- 11/12/2013 - Uruguay is breaking the International Conventions on Drug Control with the Cannabis Legislation approved by its Congress
- 11/12/2013 - INCB Staff Visit Swissmedic
- 05/12/2013 - Mission to Panama
- 04/12/2013 - Mission to Nicaragua
- 04/12/2013 - Joint INCB-UNODC international conference on Precursors Control in Asia ended today in Bangkok
- 02/12/2013 - Opening of joint INCB-UNODC international conference on Precursors Control in Asia
November 2013
- 20/11/2013 - INCB attends the 2013 World Cancer Leaders’ Summit
- 19/11/2013 - INCB is concerned about draft cannabis legislation in Uruguay
- 19/11/2013 - La JIFE expresa su preocupación por el proyecto de ley sobre el cannabis en Uruguay
- 15/11/2013 - INCB facilitates the emergency supply of medicines to typhoon victims in the Philippines
- 11/11/2013 - New member of the International Narcotics Control Board elected
October 2013
- 31/10/2013 - 108th INCB Session commences
- 28/10/2013 - INCB 108th Session of the Board (29 October - 15 November 2013)
- 02/10/2013 - Mission to Singapore
September 2013
- 27/09/2013 - Mission to Indonesia
- 11/09/2013 - Mission to Malaysia
August 2013
- 01/08/2013 - INCB President urges Uruguay to remain within the international drug control treaties, noting draft cannabis legislation
- 01/08/2013 - El Presidente de la JIFE insta al Uruguay a seguir respetando los tratados de fiscalización internacional de drogas, en vista del proyecto de ley relativo al cannabis
July 2013
- 25/07/2013 - Statement of INCB President, Mr. Raymond Yans at Substantive Session of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
- 23/07/2013 - INCB President meets with Executive Director of UNAIDS
- 12/07/2013 - Mission to Benin
June 2013
- 27/06/2013 - Statement of the INCB President on the occasion of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
- 20/06/2013 - Training seminar for West African national drug control administrations held in Addis Ababa
- 14/06/2013 - Mission to Kenya
May 2013
- 30/05/2013 - Mission to Canada
- 07/05/2013 - The International Narcotics Control Board elects new President and Bureau
- 03/05/2013 - INCB 107th Session of the Board (6 - 17 May 2013)
April 2013
- 26/04/2013 - Sri Suryawati (Indonesia) elected as member of the International Narcotics Control Board
March 2013
- 15/03/2013 - INCB President expresses grave concern about inadequately regulated medical cannabis schemes which can lead to increased abuse
- 15/03/2013 - INCB President expresses grave concern about inadequately regulated medical cannabis schemes which can lead to increased abuse
- 14/03/2013 - INCB President calls on the United States Government to address initiatives aimed at permitting recreational drug use
- 14/03/2013 - INCB President calls on the United States Government to address initiatives aimed at permitting recreational drug use
- 13/03/2013 - International Import Export System (I2ES)
- 13/03/2013 - INCB President presents the INCB Annual Report to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 13/03/2013 - Président de l'OICS présente le Rapport de l'OICS annuel à la Commission sur les stupéfiants
- 13/03/2013 - INCB President addresses the Commission on Narcotic Drugs on the issue of availability
- 13/03/2013 - INCB President presents the INCB Annual Report to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 13/03/2013 - INCB President addresses the Commission on Narcotic Drugs on the issue of availability
- 04/03/2013 - Launch of the INCB Annual Report 2012 and the Precursors Annual Report 2012
February 2013
- 04/02/2013 - 106th INCB session commences
- 04/02/2013 - 106th INCB session commmences
- 01/02/2013 - INCB 106th Session of the Board (4 - 8 February 2013)
- 01/02/2013 - INCB 106th Session of the Board (4 - 8 February 2013)
January 2013
- 28/01/2013 - Statement
- 02/01/2013 - INCB President, Mr. Raymond Yans, pays his final respect to Professor Hamid Ghodse
- 02/01/2013 - INCB President, Mr. Raymond Yans, pays his final respect to Professor Hamid Ghodse
December 2012
- 29/12/2012 - Breaking News Professor Hamid Ghodse
- 14/12/2012 - Mission to Cambodia
- 06/12/2012 - Mission to Mozambique
November 2012
- 15/11/2012 - INCB President voices concern about the outcome of recent referenda about non-medical use of cannabis in the United States in a number of states
- 15/11/2012 - INCB President voices concern about the outcome of recent referenda about non-medical use of cannabis in the United States in a number of states
October 2012
- 31/10/2012 - 105th INCB session commmences
- 31/10/2012 - 105th INCB session commences
- 30/10/2012 - INCB 105th Session of the Board (30 October - 16 November 2012)
- 30/10/2012 - INCB 105th Session of the Board (30 October - 16 November 2012)
- 11/10/2012 - Mission to the Dominican Republic
- 11/10/2012 - President of INCB addresses the African Union’s Conference of Ministers of Drug Control
- 11/10/2012 - President of INCB addresses the African Union’s Conference of Ministers of Drug Control
- 09/10/2012 - President speaks at Solidarity Consortium on Prevention for Policy Makers
- 09/10/2012 - President speaks at Solidarity Consortium on Prevention for Policy Makers
- 05/10/2012 - Mission to Nigeria
September 2012
- 19/09/2012 - Mission to Saudi Arabia
- 14/09/2012 - Mission to Pakistan
August 2012
- 10/08/2012 - Mission to Brazil
July 2012
- 06/07/2012 - Mission to Cuba
June 2012
- 29/06/2012 - Mission to the Republic of Korea
- 26/06/2012 - President of INCB addresses the Thematic Debate on Drugs and Crime as a Threat to Development
- 26/06/2012 - President of INCB addresses the Thematic Debate on Drugs and Crime as a Threat to Development
- 22/06/2012 - Mission to Ecuador
- 20/06/2012 - Mission to Portugal
May 2012
- 30/05/2012 - Mission to Peru
- 08/05/2012 - INCB elects Mr. Yans as its new president